I view therapy as a collaborative process between the client and counselor. There is no one size fits all approach, so I work with you to tailor treatment to your needs and goals. I view individuals through a lens that is person-centered while considering the intersecting systems in which we operate as humans. My main interest is helping each individual achieve freedom from limitation, allowing them to grow into their fullest expression of authentic self. My approach is essentially attachment based with an emphasis on the innate healing capacity of each person. I frequently utilize EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing), a powerful and evidence-based therapy for trauma. I also incorporate EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), a system that utilizes energy meridian tapping along with cognitive interventions to achieve rapid healing and transformation. I am also trained in Matrix Reimprinting, which utilizes EFT, energetic and parts work. I also practice Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy, a dynamic mind-body approach that I have found highly effective for deepening and accelerating the healing process.